Let us manage your estate planning while you enjoy your time with your friends & family.

Estate Planning is very important and because estate planning can be quite broad, we’ve tried to break the ideas of estate planning down a little for you. In the end however, all of these categories relate to estate planning and asset protection.
The Wesbrooks Law Firm offers FREE consultations to help you properly assess your assets and determine the best way to protect them.
Estate planning is specific to those who have assets which may include property, investments, money or other types of assets that may hold value.
Whenever we’ve accrued these things we’ve now taken a chance that begs the question, “who will get this when I am gone?”.
Our estate planning attorneys will help you with:
- Last Will and Testament
- Living Wills
- Trusts
- Land / Property Trusts
- Living Trusts
- Trust Reviews
- Irrevocable Trusts
- Power of Attorney
- Probate
Estate planning is to ensure that the assets you’ve worked for and accrued do not:
- Get into the wrong hands
- Get lost
- Go into probate (if possible)
Call us at (602) 262-4357 or schedule a FREE consultation today!
For this reason, it is always best to contact an experienced estate planning attorney who will draft specific documents that will help protect your assets now and in the future. If you are interested in an attorney who will help you than schedule a FREE consultation or call us at (602) 262-4357 today.
There is no certain age that you should be to start the estate planning process, but there are some things that you may want to think about when your considering estate planning attorney.
Now that we’ve gone over some of the aspects of estate planning, lets try to break this down a little bit for you. That way, when your thinking about your assets, investments, money or whatever else you have you will have a better idea of where you should begin.
Here is a basic estate planning checklist:
- Last Will and Testament – There are many obvious reasons why a will is an important piece of proper planning. You never know what may or may not happen to us and having this security will be one the front lines to our wishes.
- Living Will – A living will is important because it instructs medical professionals as well as your family or friends what your wishes are medically. Do I want to be “hooked up to a machine”?
- Power of Attorney – A power of attorney is very important for many reasons whether its a Health Care or General Power of Attorney.
- Trust – In short a trust is important because the “trust” owns the property or assets. When you pass away your assets remain in the trust and your appointed trustee now takes over the trust.
- Life Insurance – We wont go too far into this, but life insurance is something to consider.
- Funeral expenses – Prepaid cremation and burial services can assist loved ones with your final wishes.
- Hold on to your documents & pass them to your attorney, alternate trustee, friends or family – Ensuring that your documents are well located will help everyone involved whether something has happened to you and your family needs to know your power of attorney or if you pass away they will have what they need to move forward with the trust, assets, etc.
As you can see… there are some very important key things that you must remember to ensure that your assets do not get into the wrong hands, get lost or get lost in probate. Planning now will ensure that whenever that time comes, you’ve got everything handled and we want to help you get there!
Too many times we’ve heard of people who may have not planned properly, but we can use those stories to learn how to properly handle estate planning. Are you looking for an estate planning guide? When your considering estate planning, schedule a consultation with The Wesbrooks Law Firm.