If you’ve been injured in a car crash or car accident than you’ve probably been to the hospital and if sever enough you’ve lost work and wages while accruing debt from hospital bills. In severe cases or a more gruesome car accident you may have to go through rigorous physical or rehabilitation therapy or even surgery. You’ve been out of work, your savings is gone and now you need to restart your life and it will probably be tough.
Bills, loss wages, pain and suffering should be enough for you to contact an experienced attorney to where they can help get you back to some type of normalcy. The statute of limitations in Arizona for a personal injury lawsuit is 2 years, so before the two year mark of your injury (of any kind) you’ll need to file suit from your car accident.
What if I am at fault for causing the car accident? What if someone else is at fault for causing the automobile accident?
It’s ok, take a deep breath. Arizona and 12 other states recognize the Pure Comparative Fault Rule, which is defined by even if a party is 99 percent at fault the recovery can be sought after, however the percentages of recovery will be reduced based on the degree of fault. Other states however have a much more strict law that states that even if you are 1 percent at fault you will not recover any damages. Fortunately Arizona is not one of those states.
Have you been hurt in a car accident in Arizona and you or the other driver does not have car insurance?Read our article about what you should know.
Did you know?
In Arizona alone there were 107,348 total crashes in 2013 and that of those 107,000 crashes 777 were fatal, 5,190 of them were alcohol related, 3,081 were motorcycle related, 19,053 were single vehicle and 88,295 were multi-vehicle crashes. (PG vii azdot.gov*)
Out of the 777 fatal car crashes in Arizona in 2013, 420 of those were in urban areas while 347 of those crashes were in rural areas. (PG vii azdot.gov*)
In 2013 all crashes in Arizona, 50,284 people were injured. What this means is that almost half of the car accidents that happened in 2013 50% of the crashes resulted in some type of injury. Out of 107,348 crashes, 50,284 people were injured. (PG 2 azdot.gov*)
Age Ranges: The ages of 25 – 34 years old had the highest total of persons injured than any other year range with a staggering number of 9,727 for 2013. While the ages of 34 – 44, 45 – 54 and then 20 – 24 ranked 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the total number of injuries. (PG 6 azdot.gov*)
Whether you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident or someone you love has been, its always best to speak to a qualified, expert attorney who will help fight for your rights and what you’ll need to live a somewhat normal life. If ever a time comes when you need The Wesbrooks Law Firm, we’re here for you. Schedule a consultation today to speak to an attorney.