Should I use my retirement or investments to pay off my debts?
Using your retirement or investments to pay down your debts may sound logical, but if you are planning on filing bankruptcy in the future, it may not a wise decision.
In this article we are going to discuss the pros and cons of using your retirement to pay off your debts including credit cards, loans, and alike. We will also discuss the types of investments that are protected and what...

Ways to speak to your family about your wishes
If your looking to find the best way to speak to your family about your wishes, will, assets or trust upon you’re death, plan for it!
In this article we are going to discuss some interesting statistics about wills and estate plans as it pertains to your loved ones documents. We’re going to cover some questions you should ask yourself before speaking to your loved ones, what information...

What kind of questions will I get asked at the 341 Meeting of Creditors?
Have you filed bankruptcy or considering on filing, but intimidated about the bankruptcy 341 Meeting of Creditors and the questions you may be asked?
In this article were going to go over some of the questions, why these questions are being asked and why you shouldn’t lose sleep worrying about the 341 Meeting of Creditors. If you want more than just the basic questions that a bankruptcy...

I’ve been hurt in a car accident in Arizona and I or the other driver have no car insurance, what do I do?
In this article we want to educate you on what happens if you are in a car accident and you or the other driver does not have car insurance in Arizona. We will go over the types of insurance that are available, insurance you may want to consider and ways that attorneys find to help their clients if they or the other drivers do not have...

What is probate court in Arizona? How can I avoid it?
In this weeks article, we wanted to help educate you on the Arizona probate court process, what the word probate actually means, the types of probate, how to avoid probate, and much more.
To some of us, death may be scary and for very obvious reasons. When we pass away, we’re leaving the ones that we love and for some of us just thinking about that can be emotional. With the idea of leaving...

What is the 341 meeting of creditors & what should I expect?
In this article we are going to discuss an Arizona 341 meeting of creditors, what this meeting is, what you should expect from the meeting and a few additional key things you’ll probably want to know.
Sometimes we get so nervous that we may forget to bring some things with us, troubles finding the right place, finding your attorney or many other things that may throw us off track a bit on the...

I’ve filed for bankruptcy, what’s next?
In this article we will explain what to expect after you’ve filed for bankruptcy with our firm*.
We will also explain what steps you’ll have to take next and how to ensure you’ll stay on the right path when you’ve filed for bankruptcy throughout the entire bankruptcy filing.
1.) You’ll be assigned a Case Manager: Once you’ve came into one of our offices in Peoria or Scottsdale,...

The basics to understanding a Power of Attorney in Arizona
When you should appoint a Power of Attorney and what you’ll need to know about appointing one. Learn the types of Power of Attorneys and their definitions.
Wondering how to get power of attorney? There are several types of Power of Attorneys in Arizona, it’s always best to know what type of Power of Attorney you may need in your specific situation. That way, when this type of service...

What happens after I complete my last Chapter 13 Plan Payment?
Is your Chapter 13 case close to discharge? Are you almost finished making payments? Learn what steps you’ll need to complete your Chapter 13 plan payment next.
Firstly, congratulations, you’re almost done with your Chapter 13 plan payment and now your wondering what to do next? That’s fine. We’ve heard this question on more than one occasion. Once your ready and...

What are the steps to filing or considering bankruptcy?
Get the steps, interesting statistics and additional help if your interested in filing or considering bankruptcy
You may think that filing bankruptcy is not right for you, but maybe you’ve got all of these bills that each month you are having a harder and harder time to pay. Sometimes with bankruptcy comes this “stigma” of incompetence, or the idea of “just giving up”, however that is not...